MetaCTF 2020 writeup
Hi everybody! I recently took part in MetaCTF CyberGames 2020 which was held on 24 Oct.
Here is the link if you want to try the challenges-
WEB Exploitation
1. High Security Fan Page
Description- Someone has changed the password to the admin panel. We have to find the password.
- On inspecting the source code we found a suspicious JavaScript being loaded into the page.
2. Everyone Loves a Good Cookie
Description- Cookies are used by websites to keep track of user sessions and help with authentication. Can you spot the issue with this site and convince it that you're authenticated?
- Upon visiting the page we found an input field and a submit button. We tried common password and hit submit.
- The page responds with a Set-Cookie parameter as shown below:
- We tried sending request by changing the cookie value to cm-authenticated=1 , but it didn't do anything.
- Then we noticed something odd in the console
- Since the samesite attribute is set to Lax the request won't include our modified cookie i.e cm-authenticated=1 until and unless the Http method is GET.
3. Barry's Web Application
Description- We have to gain access to personal Docs of Barry.
- You can see above that the URL to the index page seems like a directory . lets visit /dev directory.
4. Careless redirects
Description- We have to exploit misconfigured redirects.
1. On visiting the site we are given a Doc . The website has only 2 services to offer file share and HR portal.
2. The document is regular Lorem ipsum Doc nothing there. On visiting your files we are told that we should go to SSO portal and login as . Now we have a username .
3. Since the challenge says careless redirects, you can notice how it is redirecting us to different ports for different service i.e 4550, 4552 and 4553.
4. Looking at the request in Burp we see bunch of redirects and nearly every redirect has a username and password except.
5. The above request has only username and no key and also this redirect is for the SSO portal. It makes sense to change this username to and it did.
1. Welcome to the Obfuscation Games!
Description- We are given a command , we have to find the flag.$s=New-Object IO.MemoryStream(,[Convert]::FromBase64String("H4sIAEFgjl8A/xXMMQrCQBCF4as8FltPIFaCnV3A8jFmn8ngupuYaUS8e5LyL77//vHQcWxLIHWj8Cw2wBd4RWyp2resjMm+pVlOJxzmGWekm8Iu3fU3ScXrwIf1L26C+4CtijukBY3hb/3TCj2Ieh9qAAAA"));IEX (New-Object IO.StreamReader(New-Object IO.Compression.GzipStream($s,[IO.Compression.CompressionMode]::Decompress))).ReadToEnd();
The code indicates a BASE64 code on decoding it we find it is a Gzip file.
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